Well it is now getting close to football season. Most men are getting ready to sit on the couch watching countless hours of football. Most women think that the men watch the same game over and over again and tell us it is a different one just to get out of chores. In MY family we are getting ready to watch my son start playing football. We went this past Sat. to get him all signed in and measured for his game jersey and pants. He also had to get pads, helmet and a mouth piece. So much stuff those guys have to wear. Not sure why any of them want to play. Thanks goodness Clif was with me or I would of been completely lost. In my eyes JaKobie is so little and frail. I am so scared for him to actually get hit by another person. He is playing on a team that is 5-7 year old. Some of these 7 year olds are actually pretty big. I am hoping that JaKobie can just out run them. He assures me that he is ready for all of the practices and the heat. He as actually been talking about it non stop. Comes home after Summer camp and puts on his whole uniform, including helmet, and runs around the yard or the house. He has used his sisters a couple of times for tackling practice. He as also perfected his touchdown dance. Well 1st practice is Friday the 1st and first game is August 30Th. I will keep everyone posted!!!! GO KOBIE!!!!!!
Madison's 9mth Portraits, March 2014
10 years ago